Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rock Pathway

I found this image on a friend's Facebook page. A few friends and she went on a nature walk and they took this picture. This weekend I skimmed Lippard's text about stones. I liked how they were referred to as 'immortal' and that they had 'survived' all aspects of life. This photo is interesting because it has a mixture of land and water. I love how the rocks are different colors and leading into the water. The rocks seem to fit as if a puzzle and they create a solid and beautiful trail. The stones here look like they are from all different times and places because of the contrast in color. This just highlights the fact that stones are timeless pieces of the earth and are multifunctional.


Chelsea Person said...

This is an amazingly beautiful picture, its awesome how the colors flow so well, it reminds me of stained glass.

emcatharine said...

I agree with Chelsea, it does remind me of stained glass. I really like the perspective as well.