Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Lightning Field

I have always been fascinated by lightning. I think that this idea by Walter de Maria is a fabulous portrayal of the beauty inside a storm. This is created in New Mexico where 400 steel poles have been placed to attract the lightning during storms. I love the power and action that is produce by this photo.


Nate Gordon said...

We should go one day and see that. Just as long as we bring our rubber suits and binoculars.

Greg Mullins said...

I think the picture has a mere resemblence to human life. When we are all born on this earth we have equal opportunity for success, but for some people life doesn't go the way they want it to and "lightning" strikes. It seems the same way in the picture, I wonder why the storm stuck those exact rods instead of the others?

Shervin said...

I don't really get this piece... It's sole purpose is to attract lightning, yet lightning strikes like 3 times a year(wtf)? It seems kinda like its just an aesthetic thing. I guess it looks cool...

eyembradnow said...

Ha! Art NEVER has a "sole" purpose!!!!