Sunday, November 30, 2008


While I was home over break I noticed that a lot of the people in my town had firewood sitting out. I really liked how the stacked wood looked and found some photos online that were really neat.

This photo is full of logs. I really like the various sizes and shades of wood. It is almost mosaic like with all the logs. This photo is titled: Logs, UPM Blandin paper mill, Grand Rapids and was taken by Clint Austin.Here is another photo of logs. This one looks more realistic to what people would have for fire wood. I found this photo at It seems more realistic because it has a bunch of twigs and other natural findings embedded in the log stack. This one is even more interesting because of the chaotic way all the logs are arranged.

Here is a photo by Gordon Pritchard. This one focuses on the side view of the logs. I like this one because it shows a lot of the earth behind the logs and the contrast between the earth and logs.

In addition to stacks of logs I like this photo that highlights the beauty found inside a log. Once some cuts a log or a tree down it exposes the repetitious rings. These rings may mean how old the tree is, but I think this photo is an interesting earth art piece. The photo is by Arnold Paul, 2006.


Jessica B said...

I really like the idea that you have here with the use of logs in photos. The first picture by Clint Austin is the most interesting to me. I agree with you that the second picture is more chaotic and more realistic; however, I like the sharpness of the first. The size dynamics of the first photo is more distinct. The colors are also more clear. When I look at it I do not automatically see "logs"--there is something very artistic about it.

emcatharine said...

The first picture almost doesn't even look like logs. Pretty neat.